Welcome to City Pay Online


Subscription to this service is entirely at the discretion of City Pay Associates.

You may only subscribe if you are a current participant in the City Pay SurveyA current participant is an organisation that has provided pay & benefits data, for its own employees, to the City Pay Survey within the last 15 months.
If you are unsure whether you are a participant, if your data is overdue or
you wish to become a participant please contact us.


If you have already subscribed to City Pay, please login here.

Exclusive to Participants of the City Pay & Benefits Survey

CityPayOnline is

Available   City Pay job codes and job descriptions available on-line with data downloads in excel spreadsheet format for you to integrate with your internal compensation systems
Secure   Subscribers have a unique logon and password to access pay and benefits data
Current   Data will be dynamic, updated monthly, to include all the latest pay data. Data presented in quartiles for all jobs where sample sizes allow
Tailored   By selecting the job functions and codes you require you can obtain relevant and specific information on the job you want.
My File   Your data selection is automatically retained in a secure area. Update at any time during your subscription period with the latest pay data for your selected jobs and download as you wish.
Flexible   Downloaded as an excel spreadsheet you can choose the data you want, the way it is presented and can import data into your own systems (for use internally)

Job descriptions available to view on-screen or download as a pdf


Pay Guide   Create your own Pay Guide complete with job descriptions and the latest pay data available for your job selections. Ideal for internal corporate discussion and decision making.

For more information about participating in the survey click here or
if you wish to order one of our publications as a non-participant please click here.


Each PDF opens in its own window.

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